Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena
12.08.2004 17:02 +Feedback
Andrew Baker, Direktor der Abteilung für Internationale Jüdische Angelegenheiten beim American Jewish Committee, ist nicht nur irgendwie ein Rabbiner, er ist auch Stammgast bei deutsch-amerikanischen und deutsch-jüdischen Konferenzen, die dem Zweck dienen, Normalität in den deutsch-amerikanischen und deutsch-jüdischen Konferenzen herzustellen. Außerdem ist er mit allen wichtigen deutschen Politikern befreundet und extrem kooperativ, wenn man ihn um einen Gefallen bittet.
Deswegen schrieb Wolfgang Ischinger, The German Ambassador in Washington, dem Dear Andy am 2o. Juli einen Brief, in dem er ihn darüber informierte, dass er, Ischinger, an die Washington Post einen Leserbrief geschrieben hatte, um gegen einen Kommentar von Charles Krauthammer vom 16.7. zu protestieren. Ischingers Brief an den lieben Andy endete mit den Worten: “Any assistance you could lend us in this matter would, of course, be highly appreciated.”
Der liebe Andy verstand sofort. Er setzte sich an seinen Computer und schrieb am 23. Juli den Brief, den der deutsche Botschafter lesen wollte. Hier der Wortlaut:
Dear Wolfgang,
I was overseas last week and had not read the Krauthammer op-ed when it initially appeared, but your letter has certainly brought it to my attention.
Like many people (I hope) I was greatly angered and disappointed with the decision of the ICJ and its inability to acknowledge the compelling security concerns that face Israel and make the fence a temporary necessity. This reaction seemed to be ably and emotionally captured by Charles Krauthammer, and I shared his views [...] until I read his last lines. Here, I am in agreement with you and your letter to the editor.
I do not know the German judge who serves on the ICJ, though I am told he is a well respected jurist. Certainly it would have been nice had he shared the opinion and decision in this matter of judge Burgenthal, the American judge and also a Holocaust survivor.
Perhaps he could have chosen to abstain from voting in light of German history. But these are personal decisions. As you have rightly stated, there is no justification for suggesting there is anything antisemitic in his actions, let alone alluding to Germany of the Nazi era, it is an insult to the present day, democratic nation, as those of us who have worked for German-Jewish reconciliation know quite well. Ironically, it also makes it more difficult to have a serious and informed debate on EU-policy and the Middle East, which this weeks UNGA vote demonstrates is sorely needed.
I think there will be many people who will recognize and share the concerns that you have expressed in your letter to the Post.
With best personal regards
Andrew Baker
So einfach geht es. Der deutsche Botschafter ruft “Andy, bei Fuß!” und Andy apportiert. Wie ein dressierter Zwergpudel. Oder noch schlimmer: Wie ein Jew On Demand. Bei der nächsten Konferenz des American Jewish Committee über deutsch-jüdische Beziehungen sieht man sich wieder.
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